About Sarah




This is me, Sarah Scharbrough McLaughlin.  I’m a child of God; a follower of Jesus.  This is what it looks like these days: Leading worship at various events, conferences, retreats, clubs, halls, etc. worldwide including our home church, Grace Community Church; being Mom to the awesome McBabies (6, 4, & 2); being wife to my best friend – the McHusband of 13 years, homeschooling (really on-the-go-schooling); loving things like natural birth, organic, whole eating and living.  I love to read and could camp out at a bookstore for a week.  I eat cookie dough like it’s mashed potatoes.  I have the funniest siblings (and siblings-in-law) in the world.  I have the most generous and loving parents (and parents-in-law) ever.  I like to hold hands, play Scrabble, eat dinner at 5, listen to classical and jazz music, fall asleep reading, do crossword puzzles, use sundry items to their bitter end, and have other experiences that may resemble the life of a 83-yr old.  Many of my most memorable moments have happened around the table with my family, friends, and, even, strangers.

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