Pinterest said to have napkins ready. Frankly, I’d like to express my “dispinterest.”

I saw a “great idea” on Pinterest for practicing letter writing.  It suggested to fill pans with shaving cream and have the kids write their letters with a paintbrush or finger.  Sounded easy enough and I figured we could be a bit messy on the kitchen floor, wash up and check it off of our list.

I’m sure you can see where this is going.



The activity suggested having napkins ready.  It should’ve suggested having towels for sitting on, rags for cleaning cabinets, an outdoor area ready in which to do this dumb craft, a hose, windex, towels, a change of clothes, an outdoor pool, a washing machine, an outdoor time-out spot, and patience. Oh, and something strong to drink.

Quickly, things escalated to this…



I won’t post the next few pics I took, but the McBabies were completely nude with shaving cream fully in their hair and all over our swingset.  I thought to myself – “no worries, I’ll just blow up the pool and let them jump in and rinse off.”

Oh, Shop Vac, how could you stop working on me on a day like this?? Jeff informed me today (after the madness) that the shop vac (which blows up the pool) broke a couple of weeks ago.  Dear Shop Vac, you suck.  Actually, you don’t suck or blow and that’s the problem.  You even look mean.  With your horns and freakish cyclops face.


I have always wanted an outdoor shower – like the kind people that live in Sonoma Valley would have off of their house.  Here’s the hillbilly one below.  No real CA-feeling, but, hey it’s a way to warmly get clean outdoors since it comes from the kichen sink faucet.  Notice this was shower #1.  They still have most of their clothes on here.


Have napkins ready?  Have NAPKINS ready?  I should have had a bit more foresight with my context, but, seriously, have napkins ready?!?  Children who are of learning-letter-writing age are not the same children who can have the phrases “use shaving cream” and “have napkins ready” in the same sentence.  It was a bit disappointing.  Disap-pin-ting?

Shame on you pinners for glorifying your pins.  Yes, it was fun and educational in some ways, but, at best, this is how it should have been explained:

Strip your children down somewhere outside.  Have a hose ready.  Give them a can of shaving cream.  Be pleasantly surprised if at some point, somewhere, someone runs their fingers through the mess and you can say “hey, this looks like an S.”

Let’s just be honest Pinterest people.


  1. I am laughing my butt off, especially at your shop vac scolding. Thank God you have that kitchen window to spray out of!

  2. Well, at least you have confirmed one thing for me…. This activity is NOT happening in the Raveed household, except maybe in the stand up shower….

  3. Ahhh Pinterest – the place where good ideas and good intentions collide! Me and my sister saw the perfectly cute and well made “cookie bowls”. Oh just simply coat an upside down muffin tin with cookie dough, bake, and wah-lah! Heavenly mini cookie bowls ready to hold your hearts desires!
    What they DO NOT tell you is…… DON’T coat those bad boys with anything other than a bit over paper thickness maybe. The time was way off. Or maybe the heat was too hot. The spacing was horrible.
    We had an avalanche of chocolate chip flooding in the oven! Everywhere. Those things spread like there was no where better they’d rather be than on the oven floor. And we did not realize this until we smelled the lovely aroma of BURNT wafting through to the living room. Those will never, and I mean NEVER, turn out like the perfect little bowls of happiness that dumb picture shows. And really.. the more I think about it…a cookie isn’t the best thing to hold ice cream… it mushes up pretty fast, so you’d still need a bowl anyway. We did eat whatever cookie bits we could find. .. I mean.. it Did have to be cleaned up so…. why waste? 😉

  4. Hilarious, Sarah. And memorable. We actually do this at school with first graders to practice letters on the desks. Can you believe it?! I must say each child gets a tiny squirt of shaving cream because it seems to grow as they play with it. A benefit to the activity is that it seems to clean the tops of their desks, so, you know…that’s good, right?

    1. NO WAY! I’m going to submit that children respond differently to non-parental authority??? 😉 That may have been my first problem – offering a full pan of shaving cream. Thanks for reading and posting!

    2. I went to my preschooler’s Open House last night and they put shaving cream in a ziplock bag. Then, they experiment with color (using liquid watercolor) by putting drops of color in the bag and mixing it. They also use Q-tips to draw letters in the shaving cream on top of the bag. Less mess, but probably not as fun…

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